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Automotive Cyber Security

„Securing the Future of Mobility“

Connected Vehicles

The vehicles of today are becoming ever more connected, with a wide array of added features to enhance the driving experience. However, this leads to an increasing complexity of systems, which makes the vehicle vulnerable to malicious cyber-attacks. This issue becomes even more critical when thinking of the emerging autonomous vehicles, which can only work correctly and safely when their digital systems are properly functioning.

Automakers need to be able to protect themselves, their products and their customers from the dangerous consequences of such attacks. Therefore, a reliable partner is required for the whole development cycle, the production phase and beyond, who will help ensure security at every stage.

The Challenge

The automotive industry is facing similar challenges to the ones the information technology industry has been facing for years. However, there is one major difference: connected vehicles are computer systems in motion – meaning the fulfillment for highest possible security is more important than ever. The on-board security faces the additional challenge of ensuring the safe behavior of the vehicle on top of achieving more traditional objectives.

General questions that still need to be considered, are e.g.:

  • What can we do to protect the data integrity of the vehicle?
  • How can we detect ongoing attacks and react in a safe way?

However, more automotive-specific challenges have to be solved as well; for instance with regards to the long lead time from a concept vehicle to the start of production and the usual lifetime of the vehicles after the end of production (system care):

  • How can the production line, the back-end and the cloud services be secured?
  • Can security over the entire lifetime of the vehicle be ensured?

The AVL Solution

In order to answer these questions, AVL follows the best practices out of current and future development methods and strategies in a holistic approach:

  • Security methods throughout the whole product lifecycle
  • Penetration testing for analyses and validation
  • Threat and Risk Analysis (TARA)
  • Functional and technical security concepts
  • Implementation of prevention, detection and reaction mechanisms in HW and SW
  • Security-related test concepts to collect evidence
  • Continuous maintenance of security measures

The Added Value

While choosing AVL, you choose decades of experience in automotive safety. From the first asset definition to system maintenance during the entire product lifecycle, you will be supported with a holistic approach to assuage all your cyber security worries. This includes on- and off-board security solutions and services that will be tailored to suit your specific needs.