On the 22nd of February, AVL Software and Functions GmbH was awarded with the Top Job seal for outstanding quality as an employer in Berlin by the retired German minister of economics Wolfgang Clement. Only companies, which qualities as an employer were verified by the “center for employer attractiveness” (zeag GmbH) and the university of St. Gallen, receive that award. Companies participate because they know of the importance of employee satisfaction and employer attractiveness for success.


AVL Software and Functions GmbH was founded in 2008 in Regensburg as a subsidiary of the Austrian AVL List and now employs over 500 employees in four different locations. Its focus is on leading technological software and system solutions for an intelligent, ecologically compatible mobility as well as on system integration and development of electronics. Based on its technological know-how it develops innovative and efficient solutions with customers from all around the globe. The core tasks are autonomous driving systems, reduction of fuel consumption, maximizing performance, safety and cybersecurity applications as wells as increasing efficiency for electromobility applications. Immediately at its first Top Job participation, AVL Software and Functions was voted 3rd by the jury in its size category and now counts as one of the best employers among medium-sized German companies.

The scientifically substantiated employee survey, which the award is based on, is evidence for AVL’s high employer attractiveness. That high employer attractiveness is not least based on a corporate culture that is very value oriented and unites people of 35 different countries. “When hiring, we consciously try to get people with different facets, nationalities and cultures to work for us. All of them with their different backgrounds boost our creativity. That’s a real treasure, if you work on the technologies of the future like us”, Stefan Schmid, Head of Human Resources, outlines the international flair. English and German are used side by side, and the young company kept its start-up spirit despite of its size.

The acclimatization period is short. From the first day, new employees are assisted by a mentor, who gets picked based on his/her personality traits and always works in another department. Not only is he/she the contact person for work issues, he/she also helps with finding a home, connecting to societies and other private issues.

Working for the mobility specialists opens long-term perspectives, because AVL is operating in a field with future, is highly innovative and invests much of its revenue in project development. That offers employees the possibility to move between different projects and broaden their minds constantly. AVL grants maximum decision making for innovative employees, they can try out things and book the required coachings.

Because correct decisions are based on good information, maintenance of internal communication occupies a broad space, director Dr. Georg Schwab adds: “We put much emphasis on always transparently informing our employees about our business developments. In regular all hands meetings, to which all employees are invited, we answer all questions employees might have and inform not only about current developments, but also about confidential strategic actions for the future.”

The vision for the future of AVL can be put into one sentence: “Why not –move different!“

This time, 98 medium-sized companies applied for Top Job. 81 companies now can hold the seal for the upcoming two years. In total 16.740 employees were questioned, from which about 62% work in family businesses. Among the best employers there are 25 national and 7 global market leaders. On average the companies employ 307 employees and the proportion of women in leading position is around 24%.

In his speech during the award ceremony, previous German vice chancellor and foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel thanked all companies: “With ownership comes responsibility. Its use should also be applied to the common good. It is especially medium-sized companies in Germany, which fulfil this constitutional obligation by being willing to train young people.”