AVL Software and Functions and Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel have signed a research collaboration agreement, specifying future joint research in the field of nautical optimization. Achim Przymusinski and Dr. Christian Roduner, representatives of the combustion segment at AVL Software and Functions, state “We want to find innovative ways, how path-planning in nautics can be optimized. Our goal is to realize fuel savings through advanced route planning, consequently also reducing CO2 emissions.” Thomas Meurer, Head of the Chair of Automatic Control adds “We are planning to extend our research even further: how can entire convoys of ships be organized to optimize their paths?” AVL’s practical experience and the research possibilities of the University of Kiel offer perfect conditions for a collaboration.

We are excited to join forces and are curious, which results this collaboration will bring. Surely it will be a success! Are you also interested in research collaborations? Contact us!