In the world of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Automated Driving Systems (ADS), safety and reliability are essential for building autonomous systems that (co-) drivers can trust. This is where “Offline Perception” comes into play − our manufacturer-independent, flexible solution that integrates seamlessly into your existing environment and makes your development safer and more reliable.

Why “Offline Perception” Software?

  • Advanced data analysis: Processes data from diverse reference sensors, whether cameras, lidars, or GNSS / IMU, to enable precise insights by applying artificial intelligence algorithms
  • Powerful features:
    – High-precision detection of road users and lines/lanes
    – Ground truth / reference data for reliable evaluation of perception performance
    – Automated labeling for efficient marking of objects and lines
  • Flexible integration: Adapts easily to your development environment and can be used regardless of manufacturer
  • ASAM OSI (Open Simulation Interface) -compatible output: Supports automatic scenario recognition and OpenX (OpenSCENARIO, OpenDRIVE) processing, making your development processes even more reliable


By integrating our AVL Software and Functions’ “Offline Perception” into your data-driven development process and toolchain, we enable maximum efficiency and ensure top-quality in your results.

Ready for the next step? Feel free to contact us for a presentation or more information at