Cyberattacks in the automotive industry are on the rise as more connected cars hit the road, and the threats are changing rapidly with AI on the horizon.

In this critical scenario, proactive knowledge and measures are the best defense. The AVL Software and Functions Cybersecurity services are continuously improved und updated, based on immense user experience. Reliable methods and efficient tools ensure enhanced security, including our inhouse-developed tool-suites that meet industry standards and go the extra mile.

But to stay ahead, the journey doesn’t end here. We are also actively involved in community-driven projects. Scapy plays an important role here. This is a versatile open-source hacking tool that helps to strengthen automotive security. By implementing various automotive protocols, AVL’s security experts utilize Scapy with essential functions for seamless communication with automotive systems. Also, it serves as a valuable hub for knowledge distribution within the cybersecurity community. It is a legal hacking playground, where experts exchange ideas and jointly develop innovative solutions to master upcoming cybersecurity challenges.