
  • Podcast The future of e-mobility

Generation E – Podcast: The future of (e)-mobility

January 31st, 2024|

Dirk Geyer from AVL Software and Functions provides exciting insights! What mobility technologies will shape the future, and what technical [...]

  • Cybersecurity in connected Vehicles

Developing Cyber Resilience

January 23rd, 2024|

Cyberattacks in the automotive industry are on the rise as more connected cars hit the road, and the threats are [...]

  • FLASHMOB-KI: Rural Mobility Demands

Flashmob KI: Interview with Prof. Dr. Dünnweber

November 29th, 2023|

In AVL Software and Functions GmbH exclusive interview with Prof. Dr. Jan Dünnweber from OTH Regensburg, we talk about FLASHMOB [...]

  • AVL Software defined Vehicle High Performance Computing

„Software is in the Air“

October 1st, 2023|

What is the heartbeat of AVL Software and Functions GmbH? It’s software! The developers in our high-performance controller software team [...]

  • AVL auf IAA Mobility 2023

IAA Mobility 2023: A Great Success!

September 4th, 2023|

From September 5th to 8th, 2023, AVL Software and Functions GmbH enjoyed successful days at IAA Mobility 2023. This event [...]

  • Die Geschäftsführer von AVL Software & Functions mit Vertretern der Eisbären, Fanschal und Trikot in der Eishockeyhalle Donau-Arena [:en]The managing directors of AVL Software & Functions with representatives of the Eisbären, fan scarf and jersey in the ice hockey arena "Donau-Arena"

Sponsoring of Eisbären Regensburg

August 29th, 2023|

Sponsoring of Eisbären Regensburg From the start of the season on September 15, 2023, AVL Software and Functions is [...]

  • Dr. Armin Engstle von AVL Software & Functions, MdL Gerhard Hopp, Rodings Bürgermeisterin Alexandra Riedl, Landrat Franz Löffler, Wirtschaftsminister Hubert Aiwanger und Geschäftsführer Dr. Georg Schwab vor dem AutBus in Neubäu am See.

Opening of the AutBus test track

July 13th, 2023|

Autonomous and climate-friendly – that’s the future of driving! And this is exactly what is becoming reality in Roding, [...]

  • Ein interessierter Mitarbeiter an einer Station beim Innovation Day

Innovation Day 2023

May 11th, 2023|

Today innovation – tomorrow reality. At AVL Software and Functions, we don't just talk about innovation and excellence - [...]