
  • AVL Ajunic: Detail Anschlüsse

Our innovation: the Ajunic®

March 13th, 2020|

Today AVL Software and Functions released their most current innovation: the Ajunic®. It is an open development platform, which is [...]

  • Termine Kontaktmessen 2020: 12.5. Konaktiva Darmstadt, 19.5. Bonding Braunschweig, sonstige abgesagt

Career fairs 2020

March 4th, 2020|

AVL Software and Functions will be represented on various recruiting fairs this year. We welcome everyone who is interested in [...]

  • News: Neues Büro in Unterschleißheim: Mitarbeitende bei der Eröffnung

AVL opens office in Unterschleißheim

February 3rd, 2020|

We just opened our brand-new office in Unterschleißheim, Munich. Located in the Business Campus, it will give us the opportunity [...]

  • News: Platooning Corporation

An Update to the AVL and Ford Otosan Cooperation

November 15th, 2019|

Ford Trucks’ new F-MAX tractors with AVL and Ford Otosan “platooning” technology have successfully completed initial test drives. AVL and [...]

  • News: Kunst trifft Technik 2019 eröffnet

Art meets technology 2019 has opened

October 23rd, 2019|

Last Friday, the ninth vernissage of "Kunst trifft Technik" was opened. This year’s motto is "Vision: Artificial Intelligence". The works [...]

  • News: Podcast über Digitalisierung

AVL is part of the Business Model Innovation Talk

September 23rd, 2019|

Our Head of the Segment Digitalization, Achim Przymusinski, was a guest of the Business Model Innovation Talk. A podcast, which [...]

  • News: Cooperation of AVL Software & Functions and Silicon Mobility

Silicon Mobility and AVL join forces

August 27th, 2019|

Silicon Mobility, technology player powering control solutions for a cleaner, safer and smarter mobility, and AVL Software and Functions GmbH, [...]

  • News: Eröffnung des bei AVL Software & Functions in Regensburg

Room for creativity in our

July 30th, 2019|

The is our next step for consequently extending the digitalization in the company. It's already well accepted by our [...]

  • Termine für Messen mit AVL für 2019

Career fairs 2019

July 26th, 2019|

AVL Software and Functions will be represented on various recruiting fairs this year. We welcome everyone who is interested in [...]

  • News: Neues EMV Paper veröffentlicht

New EMC paper published

July 10th, 2019|

Simulation of low-frequency electric and magnetic fields and resulting electroacoustic forces A growing development of hybrid or fully electrical drives [...]

  • News: AVL High Speed E-Axle

Paper about AVL’s high speed E-Axle published

July 1st, 2019|

Several engineers at AVL Software and Functions Co-authored ''AVL E-axle Development - High-speed Electric Drive Unit for the Next Generation [...]

  • News: Kooperation mit itemis

AVL and itemis are partners

June 30th, 2019|

AVL and itemis are development partners. Content of our partnership will be the YAKINDU Security Analyst. While YAKINDU Security Analyst [...]

  • News: Kooperationsprojekt Digitaler Knoten 4.0

DLR project explores automated left turns

June 26th, 2019|

How does a mixed traffic between autonomous and conventional cars look like in the city? The DLR (The German Aerospace [...]

  • News: AVL Software & Functions unterstützt Regensburger Formula Student Team Dynamics

AVL supports Formula Student Regensburg

June 19th, 2019|

We are supporting Formula Student at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg with AVL products and services since many years. The [...]