
  • AVL AutBus Autonomer Bus

Next stop: The future of public transport

July 26th, 2024|

Discover AVL’s autonomous AutBus! AVL Software and Functions has developed an autonomous bus, which is currently on the road in [...]

  • AVL AutBus

Politics tests future-oriented mobility solutions

July 4th, 2024|

During their visit to AVL Software and Functions GmbH today, the Bavarian Minister of State for Housing, Construction and Transport, [...]

Innovation Day at AVL: Turning dreams into reality

June 5th, 2024|

"Innovation is the art of turning dreams into reality, imagination into creation, and challenges into opportunities." At AVL, innovation isn't [...]

Prepare for 2024: UNECE R155 Compliance is Now Mandatory

May 30th, 2024|

As vehicles evolve to become more connected, autonomous, shared, and electrified (CASE), they transform into software-defined vehicles and data-sharing powerhouses. [...]

Explore Sustainable Charging Solutions with AVL

May 23rd, 2024|

Join us in advancing sustainable charging solutions, where our expertise encompasses seamless infrastructure and efficient power supply for electric vehicles. [...]