The is our next step for consequently extending the digitalization in the company.
It’s already well accepted by our employees and we want to extend it gradually.
Our is a creative workplace, in which our employees have to room to create their own ideas. Topics like connectivity or smart city can be pushed in a modern environment. In the digitalization office, our employees can experiment with all kinds of agile methods of design thinking. With the work in the, we also hope to gain knowledge about making our internal processes more efficient through digitalization and automation.
During the opening ceremony, which was, among others, attended by Regensburgs mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer and managing director of the Gewerbepark Roland Seehofer, various demonstrations from different sectors were shown. Applications in the maritime sector were presented, which allow for an extensive reporting and optimizing and have the goal to reduce CO2 emissions. Another application is the ADAS Big Data Store. Here, data about the trips in the field of autonomous driving can be collected, digitalized and evaluated.
You can find further information about our project house digitalization here.